Monday, May 30, 2011

The Beginning of the End

Today was my last day at one of my schools. It was different than I thought it was going to be. I've been waiting for this day for awhile, counting the days, waiting for summer. Now it's here and I don't know what to think.

Today went away without a hitch. I went to school like normal. I had a normal day. My students gave me a couple cards and saludos when I left. Isa offered me a ride back to Malaga because she had a dentist appointement. We talked the whole way back, in English and Spanish, about everything. I would have liked to get to know her better. Today, everyone at school was inviting me to do things and wanting to have coffee and meet their family. Why didn't they want to do this 8 months ago. Suddenly I'm leaving and everyone is so interested in me and wants to be my friend. I don't understand.

I had my last lesson for Monday as well. One of the girls brought a cake a I took some candy. We played 'Go Fish' and colored a summer picture. I'm not sure how I feel. It's the closing of a chapter. I am extremely happy to go home and see Corey, my family and my friends. But what have I done these last 8 months? It feels like so little.

I have a lot of things waiting for me when I get back. My life will change dramatically. I know that I'm ready to get a 'real' job, and apartment, and join the rat race, so to speak. But I'm ending an era, and that always brings bittersweet feelings. I am happy to be done with the job, but it makes me sad to be leaving this side of the world. Europe holds so much history and culture compared with America, but it's not home. I miss Corey and the feeling of being around people who you've known for a long time and understand you. I miss everyday stuff like driving a car and being able to communicate freely in my everyday life. I have become accustomed to certain things here, but I still wouldn't call it home. Home just hold so many things that are different in my mind.

I know I will be leaving Malaga soon and going back. I will cry when I get on the plane, but I won't know why. I like it here, but I'm ready to be home. Wednesday my mom and my brother get here. I have already started packing because I want to enjoy time with them while they are here. We are going to travel a bit through Andalucia and I will teach them this home away from home, and then we will go back together. The End is starting. One more day of work, one more lesson....home.

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